Teaching Writing Across Curriculum

Teaching students to own their writing process


There are a range of prewriting strategies.  Some simply help writers generate ideas, while others help writers organize those ideas into a writing structure.

The University of Kansas Writing Center provides a description of some prewriting strategies to generating ideas:  brainstorming, freewriting, and looping and a description of some prewriting strategies which begin to offer some organization to writing: clustering and journalism's 5 w's.

Santa Barbara City College offers a description of some idea generating prewrite strategies:  freewriting, listing, clustering, and a prewriting strategy for organization: outlining.

Mind Mapping combines pictures, words, and organization, utilizing both left-brain and right-brain thinking and can be used as a prewriting strategy.

Thinking Maps can be used for structure specific types of writing such as: compare and contrast, and cause and effect.  The tree map can also serve as a graphic organizer for writers to plan their thesis, topic sentences, and supporting textual evidence.

Thinking Maps may also be creatively combined to serve as prewriting organizers.



Using attainable sample writing models  




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