Guides and Tips:
“Tame the Beast:
Tips For Designing and Using Rubrics” by Andrew Miller for Edutopia
succinctly highlights six tips to keep in mind when designing effective
rubrics (January, 2012).
Writing Effective Rubric Guide:
“Writing Effective Rubrics” by University of Florida Professor and Director Timothy S. Brophy delves more comprehensively into rubric development. Topics include: What is a Rubric? Why use a Rubric? How to Develop a Rubric? Rubric Variations, Scoring Rubric Group Orientation, Rubric Calibration, Tips, Sample Rubrics, and Additional Sources.
Rubric Types: Holistic v. Analytic:
Chapter 1 “What Are Rubrics? and Why Are They Important” from Susan M.
Brookhart’s book, How to Create and Use Rubrics for Formative
Assessment and Grading, provides an explanation of the purpose of rubrics, an analysis of the advantages and
disadvantages of the different types of rubrics: analytic, holistic, and task-specific
rubrics and provides research on how rubrics help students learn (January, 2013).
This powerpoint, shared anonymously on "Dare to Differentiate," covers a wide range of topics on rubrics, including tips for creating rubrics, holistic v. analytic rubrics, steps for developing and modifying rubrics, and when to use rubrics.
Sample Rubrics:
A comprehensive collection of rubrics in a variety of subject areas and grade levels.
SBAC ELA CCSS Writing Rubrics:This collection of rubrics includes:
- Smarter Balanced ELA CCSS Rubrics (as organized by Smarter Balanced)
- 6-12 Informational-Explanatory CCSS Rubric (reorganized into condensed one-pager)
- 6-12 Argumentation CCSS Rubric (reorganized into condensed one-pager)
CCSS-aligned rubrics for grades 9-10 (narrative,
informative, argument) and grades 11-12 (narrative and argument)
AP English Language and Composition Scoring Guide 2013
AP English Literature and Composition Scoring Guide 2013
Cal State English Placement Test Rubric
AP English Language and Composition Scoring Guide 2013
AP English Literature and Composition Scoring Guide 2013
Cal State English Placement Test Rubric
Historical Thinking Skills Scoring Rubric - SecondaryAP World History Scoring Guides 2013
AP US History Scoring Guide 2013
AP US Government and Politics Scoring Guide 2013
AP Microeconomics Scoring Guide 2013
AP Macroeconomics Scoring Guide 2013
SBAC grade 11 math performance task and scoring guide
SBAC Literacy CCSS Writing Rubrics
A big shift in the Next Generation Science Standards is the teaching of content through the 8 Science and Engineering Practices. Appendix F describes each of the practices and provides grade-level progressions for what the practices need to look like at each grade level. Using the progressions will inform the creation of science rubrics.
- 6-12 Informational-Explanatory CCSS Rubric (reorganized into condensed one-pager)
- 6-12 Argumentation CCSS Rubric (reorganized into condensed one-pager)
A big shift in the Next Generation Science Standards is the teaching of content through the 8 Science and Engineering Practices. Appendix F describes each of the practices and provides grade-level progressions for what the practices need to look like at each grade level. Using the progressions will inform the creation of science rubrics.
Students Using Rubrics:
This article by Heidi Andrade from Educational Leadership details the ways in which rubrics can be used by students to assess their own mastery and progress. Key topics covered include the difference between assessment and evaluation, using rubrics to set clear expectations, and how rubrics can be used to promote self-assessment and revision (January, 2008).
Websites to make generating rubrics easier:
Is a widely used free tool to help teachers create quality rubrics.
CCSS-aligned rubrics:
This website allows history, science, technical subjects, and ELA teachers to customize rubrics around CCSS literacy standards. Select grade-level focus standards for easy use.
I appreciated the rubistar examples of rubrics for Art.